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Constant supply of oil-free compressed air

A constant supply of oil-free compressed air with a barely detectable maximum residual oil content of 0.003 milligram per cubic metre - this is what the new catalyst system from compressed air specialist Beko Technologies is able to deliver. With this high level of efficiency, the Bekokat devices can sail past the stringent oil content stipulations of DIN EN8573-1/ISO 8573-1, class 1. At the same time, the new catalytic principle breaks down the technical and economic barriers that are usually intrinsic to conventional compressed air treatment, especially when concerned with applications with extremely high quality requirements.

The catalyst comprises a granulate that is heated to an operating temperature of around 150 degree Celsius.

In the catalyst, the oil molecules are broken up until only a carbon atom remains.

At the end of the final catalytic phase, the oil molecules have oxidized to H2O and CO2.

The oil-free and dry compressed air can then be used for the given application; the remaining water is discharged via a standard method.

Consequently, Bekokat systems are not only highly effective, but also very environmentally friendly.

Bekokat's advantages further include a maximum of process reliability because catalytic oxidation takes place completely independent of ambient temperature, inlet temperature, air humidity, and oil inlet concentration.

Even during partial load operation, the efficiency of the catalyst technology of the Bekokat device is not in any way reduced.